Shortly after Michelle Fogg turned 20, she became active in the LDS church and received her patriarchal blessing. In it, she was blessed she’d have children “who will be special to the Lord” -- verbiage she found odd at the time, as she presumed all children fit that category. She wondered what might lie in store; and indeed, many unique experiences have come as Michelle and her husband, Steven, have expanded their family to include five children currently between the ages of 4 and 17. The Fogg children have a range of severe food allergies, rare medical disorders, mental health diagnoses, and giftedness. Emalee, now 17, was born with an array of medical problems that launched science-minded Michelle on a 10-year journey into the food allergy world.
Michelle started a non-profit and advocated for kids like hers in front of legislatures, created trainings for school nurses, served on national boards, and promoted education and safety for kids with life-threatening allergies on a local level. A decade of advocacy took its toll, and Michelle ultimately felt prompted to step back and center her care efforts in the home. It was soon after this time that her oldest daughter, Emalee, then 15, invited her mom to dinner to tell her, “I like girls, instead of boys.”…Saying these words brought Emalee tremendous relief. While this news rocked Michelle’s world, there was some relief that she was now in a place in which she could pivot to a whole new category of parental love, support, and understanding.
Michelle shared their daughter’s news with Steven, and together, they agreed to make it a top priority to continue to love and support Emalee, while pursuing further education and understanding. This time, however, Steven begged Michelle to not make their family a poster family for LGBTQ advocacy – not because they didn’t support their daughter, but because of the lingering PTSD from allergy-world exhaustion. Almost three years later, crediting the crucial connection and perspective she gained from listening to other people’s stories (mostly via Ostler’s Listen, Learn, and Love podcast), Michelle trusts it is the right time to share the signs and preparation she received along her daughter’s special journey. Because there were plenty.
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