“Come tell us what is saving your life now” the wise old priest said to a visiting speaker. Meghan talks about what is saving her life today. She explores the various ways God expresses love for us and compassionately surrounds us with “gods with skin on.” Meghan also discusses the origin of the new Janice Kapp Perry song "All Are Alike Unto God" (which she co-authored with Janice).
Free sheet music for "All Are Alike Unto God" is now available on the Gather Conference website
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When we hear "Be of Good Cheer," we might have the immediate thought that we need to suppress any feelings that are not happiness. However, Liv shares how the Lord helps us navigate all of our emotions specially as we balance being part of the LGBTQ community and what that means for our eternal identities. Topics: LGBTQ, LDS, mixed orientation marriage, happiness
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Gay Latter-day Saint Charlie Bird shares how exercising faith in the Plan of Salvation and the power of Jesus Christ leads to healing, hope, and resolution. Presented at the 2023 Gather Conference.
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