In this video, Lift+Love Founder Allison Dayton explains why Latter-day Saints Support Gay Marriage. Her explanation includes quotes and video clips from Elder D. Todd Christofferson.
Read MoreWhy Does Pride Get an Entire Month? - Video by Allison Dayton
In this video, Lift+Love Founder Allison Dayton answers a common question - Why does Pride Month lasts an entire month (when many other celebrations/holidays like Mother’s Day only last one day)?
Read MoreDale G Renlund: Suicide (Prevention) and Same-Sex Attraction (Video)
Dale G Renlund: Suicide and Same-Sex Attraction. In this video, Elder Renlund explains that LGBTQ people are often isolated, but we should treat them the way that the Savior would - with more love, care, and inclusion - not exclusion.
Read MoreRonald A. Rasband - Supporting Transgender Individuals (video)
Elder Ronald A. Rasband taught that (people who experience gender dysphoria)… “need to be encircled in the arms of their Savior and know they are loved. So often the Lord calls on us; He expects us to be His welcoming, loving arms. We need to encourage their friends to do the same” Ronald A. Rasband, “Jesus Christ Is the Answer” (evening with a General Authority, Feb. 8, 2019)
Read MoreAll Are Alike Unto God - Meghan Decker Gather Conference 2023
“Come tell us what is saving your life now” the wise old priest said to a visiting speaker. Meghan talks about what is saving her life today. She explores the various ways God expresses love for us and compassionately surrounds us with “gods with skin on.” Meghan also discusses the origin of the new Janice Kapp Perry song "All Are Alike Unto God" (which she co-authored with Janice).
Free sheet music for "All Are Alike Unto God" is now available on the Gather Conference website
Read MoreFinding Hope in Christ - Bree Borrowman Gather Conference 2023
Bree Borrowman (she/her/hers) shares her personal experiences growing up with gender incongruence and gender dysphoria, while wondering for decades why her faith, prayer, church service, and marrying a woman didn't "fix her". She explains how she found an unexpected ally in her wife Kit, moved past shame and guilt to be happy living authentically, and ultimately has found hope in Christ.
Read MoreThe Sacred Work of Bridge Building - Michael Soto Gather Conference 2023
Most Americans do not know a transgender person which means most people know little to nothing about transgender people and consequently can be susceptible to misinformation that fuels social division based on fears about transgender people. This is similar to when fear was stoked about gay people in the 20th century. But the antidote to division, strife, misinformation, and fear about transgender Americans is building relationships and sharing our lives with transgender people. Michael shares how with greater understanding and fellowship as Americans and Christians, we can recommit ourselves to pluralism and to God’s greatest commandments. Topics: LGBTQ, LDS, transgender, understanding, trans, gender
Read MoreOf One Heart Initiative - Deborah Jensen Grizzell and Erick S Hacking
The Of One Heart Initiative is one stake's effort to create a more welcoming, inclusive, loving community of Saints for LGBTQ+ persons and their families. This presentation will discuss the collaborative development effort involving many levels of councils with the goal of reaching every member of the stake through existing delivery channels, such as Teachers' Councils, Devotionals, and Ward Youth Discussions. Participants will have access to Of One Heart Initiative materials and slide decks that may be used for reference as they develop similar local LGBT initiatives. Q & A with an Of One Heart Initiative organizer and a gay member of their stake.
Read MorePersonal Stories of LGBTQ Saints - Valerie Nicole Green and Carson Perez Gather Conference 2023
Valerie Nicole Green and Carson Perez share personal stories as LGBTQ saints. Specifically, Valerie shares her experiences with local leaders during her initial transition and as they are currently constituted. Both Valerie and Carson share their personal interactions with ward members, what they have taught their wards about the LGBTQ experience, and what they have learned from their ward families. Topics: LGBTQ, LDS, trans, personal stories, church leadership, transgender
Read MoreLaborers in the Vineyard - Ben Schilaty Gather Conference 2023
Dr. Ben Schilaty discusses the parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard and how each of us is called to build the kingdom and care for another.
Read MoreResolution Through the Gospel of Jesus Christ - Charlie Bird Gather Conference 2023
Gay Latter-day Saint Charlie Bird shares how exercising faith in the Plan of Salvation and the power of Jesus Christ leads to healing, hope, and resolution. Presented at the 2023 Gather Conference.
Read MoreThis is the LGBTQ Holiday Message that Everyone Needs to See - VIDEOS WE RECOMMEND
This short video (produced by Encircle) has a Christmas theme, but the message is applicable all year. This video depicts a parent’s journey to accepting and supporting their trans youth. Features Miles McKenna.
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