
by Laraine F. Eddington

Newlywed eyes looked down the path ahead

which gleamed like a well worn handcart trail.

We stepped forward in pioneer paths,

sure our lives would unfold in familiar ways.

Children appeared, miracle by miracle,

daughters-first and last and three boys in the noisy

middle. A full house and years that whirled faster

and faster, a tornado of work and play and church

and music and laughing and fighting and praying

and legos and books and camping and cousins

and scriptures and scouts and firesides and

faith and failure and triumph and ordinary days.

But there were moments when life screeched to

a sudden halt and hearts leapt to throats.

Our beautiful artistic boy who drew princesses

instead of firetrucks, sensitive to every beautiful


But no one spoke of anything but a straight path,

mission, marriage, children and gospel living.

Neither parent nor child dared breath out truth

until finally, a butterfly emerged and shook his


At first we dared not admire the beauty of

this newly emerged creation. It was our son, but

yet something entirely new, glistening and

shining and free.

Another son revealed himself, easier

because his brother had shown the way

And then a daughter came out into the sun.

Three of our children, blinking in new light.

We worried and wondered and prayed.

Looking for answers that were not in a handbook.

And bit by bit the blindfold slipped

until we saw them for what they are.


Isaiah 43:1 …Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine

(Mark and Laraine Eddington are the parents of five children, three of whom are gay. All five are stunning, radiant and wonderful specimens of humanity. )