The Rev. Budde wasn't lecturing. She was encouraging the mercy we all need more of right now - by Tom Christofferson

The Rev. Budde wasn't lecturing. She was encouraging the mercy we all need more of right now - by Tom Christofferson

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Preparing for lessons about the Temple

Lessons about the temple can be difficult for a variety of reasons. If you know a lesson about the temple or eternal families is coming up, what can you do to make the situation more inclusive for everyone in the class?

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What Do You Do When Church Leaders Give Talks That Are Painful?

It’s okay to acknowledge that church leaders said something that caused you pain. And it’s important to allow yourself to feel it without judgment. Sometimes, as members of the church, we think that in order to be “all in” the gospel we need to be 100% behind what every church leader says from every pulpit. That is simply not true.

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To Condone or Not To Condone - That is the Wrong Question

It’s common to talk about condoning as it applies to LGBTQ people (whether they’ve actually done anything wrong or not), but why is this the thing that people feel they are obligated to judge, when there is an endless list of our neighbor’s actions and beliefs we could potentially choose to condone or not condone?

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