Are There Restrictions on Church Participation for Gay Members? (CHURCH WEBSITE)


“Someone who is adhering to the norm of chastity—someone who is following the covenants and the standards, teachings of the gospel of Christ, though they may be dealing with same-sex attraction—really there is no reason they cannot be fully participative, that they can’t be a full-fledged member of the Church and hold callings and speak and enter the temple and serve there, and all the other opportunities and blessings that can come from Church membership will be available to them.

“There are examples of this among Church members. There are multiple examples. And though no one would say that it is always easy, all of us are endeavoring to maintain those norms and keep our covenants. And we’re all in the same boat, in the same company, in that regard. So I’d say there are many, relatively speaking, who are finding that success in their lives and that happiness” (D. Todd Christofferson, “Purpose of This Website,”

“Are there restrictions on Church participation for members who identify as gay or experience same-sex attraction?” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Website - Leader Resources