“We had wonderings, when he was young. But you know, we’re LDS. We didn’t quite know how to fit that in,” says Liz Macdonald, of her 27-year-old son, Matt, who is gay. “In my mind, I figured he’d probably be able to marry a woman and make it work.” While Liz and Eric Macdonald are fairly progressive in their religious and political beliefs, when they were raising young kids, Liz said they operated more off an “it’s probably not my child” mentality in terms of LGBTQ issues, and put them on the shelf…
Annika Dean’s life hasn’t exactly followed the idyllic path she remembers seeing displayed on a felt board in Primary at a young age. She was the only child in her row raised by divorced parents, and she would later go through a divorce herself. Both of her children identify as LGBTQ. And Annika and her oldest son have each survived a separate mass shooting. Annika Dean’s life redefines the concept of “All these things shall give thee experience.” And it is with an admirable amount of strength and resilience that she excavates through the rubble to share the rainbows of her past decade with us…
As a child, every morning, Ehren Clark got put on a special bus and shuttled off to the Gifted and Talented school. He was handsome. A charmer. Artistic and fashion forward. He’d grow to be 6’4, a great swimmer and excellent student, and the manager of a bakery while still in high school. He graduated from college, got his masters, and began a successful career. He had all of the brains, talent, and charisma to do whatever he wanted in life, but according to his big sister, Sarah, “The world crushed it out of him. It’s kinda not fair.”…
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Few can claim the privilege of having a husband-in-law. The very label makes you think: how does that work? But for Matt and Jessica Frew, and Jessica’s ex-husband, Steve Stoddard, it’s not only their relationship, but their brand. The trio have made the best of a complex situation since Steve came out to Jessica as gay shortly after they married 17 years ago…
There are many things Liz McEwen knows about herself: that she is madly in love with her husband, Jason. She adores her kids, Scarlett – 5, and Leo – 3. And that she has found tremendous relief since last summer when she came out publicly as bisexual. One added nugget that has helped Liz adapt since she first realized this unique part of herself decades ago: Liz knows she was created by Heavenly Parents who fully understand and love her for who she is. That doesn’t mean it’s always been easy.
As TV chef and food blogger @charlotte.shares, Charlotte Hancey is known and loved for sharing her “bold Texas taste” culinary delights with the world. She’s now also thrilled to publicly share her love and support for her 19-year-old son, Ethan, who recently joined her in an Instagram post in which she came out as the mother of a gay son. As Ethan is Charlotte’s firstborn, fellow in-house foodie, and favorite mouth to feed, it felt natural that they would also share this side-by-side…
My brother is gay…
Every Christmas Eve, you can find the Stephenson family ice skating with their cousins near their hometown of South Jordan, UT, then eating dinner at Red Robin, a tradition that began several years ago when dinner plans were abruptly canceled and they found themselves with nowhere to eat.
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