This week’s feature looks a little bit different. We had a family lined up – a real live family with real live people and pictures. And we were really excited about this one. The mother is a force – a fierce ally with a successful podcast you’ve likely heard of. She works tirelessly to make the LDS space safer for all those on the margins, including our LGBTQ+ kiddos. She was eager to share. Only at the last minute, her own queer kiddo pulled out. Shut down the story. Said they don’t want to feel like the “token gay child” of someone else’s agenda. 

And we 1000% get it. 

This is nothing new for us. In fact, this happens about a third of the time we approach a family to share their story. Typically, mom or dad’s on board – eager to give back to a community that has helped them feel less alone. They long to soften hearts. To increase understanding. They’re willing to sacrifice their privacy and at times risk personal relationships to share their truth. All from a place of love for their children -- many of whom are also eager to share and offer hope to their younger counterparts. How we love and need these families! 

But when a family’s beloved child says no, we pull the plug, no questions asked.

So many of the LGBTQ kids we love (including my own) have never been on this site. They are beyond done with the church and have no desire to affiliate or try to portray it as a safe space. Others don’t feel a need for the spotlight. Some have already transitioned to a world where they have found friends and community in which they are able to comfortably just… be. They don’t want us to hang Pride flags in our yard, or wear rainbow shoes to the grocery store, or slap equality stickers on our bumpers. Some kids don’t need or want any of that. They just want to feel… normal. 

So while we can’t offer our typical family profile story this week, we still want to hold space for all the kids who do not feel a need to enter this space. Kids whose lives and stories are just as important as those who are okay sharing. 

You’re not a token. You’re not an agenda. You’re 1000% normal, and we honor and recognize you for exactly who you are. Even if you never read this.