Is This Just a Phase? Episode #35

Is This Just a Phase? - Lift+Love Conversations Podcast Episode 35

When we talk to mom's of children who just came out - this is the number one question:  “Is this just a phase or a trend?” In this episode we talk with Dr. Lacey Bagley, who gives us some great tips on how to parent and help your LGTBQ child as they explore their identity.

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"Turns Out I Married A Gay Man" Lift+Love Podcast Episode #36

Jenie and Allison talk to Jessica from Husband In Law podcast. Steve and Jessica were happily married for 7 years until Steve came out as being gay, which inevitably ended in divorce. Now, Matt and Jessica have been happily married for over 8 years. The crazy part is, Matt, Jessica, and Steve all get along, to the extent that Matt and Steve work together. Matt, Jessica, and Steve have a relationship that, by most standards, would be considered atypical. Listen in as Jessica takes us on their journey of learning how to love and accept themselves enough to love and accept others for who they are during this experience called life

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When A Talk Hurts - Episode #49

Have you ever listened to a talk (in church or during General Conference) that everybody seems to love, but you are left with feeling less hope and more fear? Allison and Jenie discuss how to process and find peace. LGBTQ Church of Jesus Latter-day Saints LDS Mormon Gay Trans Bi

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LGBTQ-Path Survival Tips - Episode #24

Allison and Jenie discuss how they stay in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as LGBTQ families. When your child comes out, it can feel like you are a new path to the Savior and it can sometimes feel like a lonely path.  In order to thrive on this new path, you need a survival pack. They teach you 3 tools that will help you not just survive that new trail, but thrive on it.

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