I am so grateful for this article of our faith.

While some feel we know everything we need to know about men, women, marriage, family, our purpose, and the eternities, there are so, SO, many members who still have a ton of questions.

For LGBTQ individuals and families, these gaps in understanding are often the catalyst to a deeper dive into doctrine, scripture, and ongoing restoration. This scares loved ones who are watching, but countless people have told me they have grown much closer to the Savior because of their need for His comfort and answers they can only get directly from him.

This process can be an amazing testimony strengthener, but it’s exhausting.

If in the middle of this process, the church community dismisses their questions, declares adamantly that nothing will ever change, or fails to provide a hope-filled shelter for those who doubt, we have to understand, people will leave!

We are a people led by revelation given to prophets and apostles.

We are a people led by personal revelation given in our own language for our benefit and the benefit of our families.

We are a people who believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things, TOGETHER! - Allison

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