LIFT+LOVE CONVERSATIONS PODCAST #30- Jenie and Allison introduce declaration #3 - "Our Eternal Family - 'As mothers of LGBTQ children, we know that our family can only be complete when all members are loved and valued equally. We believe that each individual is an important part of the eternal family of God. We have faith that our Heavenly Parents know and understand our unique situations, and that by following their guidance, given through the Holy Spirit, our earthly family will return to live with them again’”
Allison Dayton 0:08
Welcome to lift in love conversations where we're building a supportive culture around LGBTQ families in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I'm Allison Dayton from Lipton love and I will show you how to lean into your spiritual discomfort to deepen and grow your testimony of Jesus
Jenie Rae Hunter 0:24
Christ. And I am Jenny hunter of Jenny hunter coaching. I will help you identify obstacles that could get in the way of sustaining healthy relationships, and realizing the blessings of being an LGBTQ family. Each week we will bring you lessons we've learned through our own lives, the experiences of families we've worked with and conversations with amazing experts. Hello, I love to love community. We've missed you. We had we are just coming off of conference weekend. And Alison, it was the weirdest weekend. You know, like I had my I had one child at home my other child, Mary, who was a senior, she went out to go visit all her sisters out of BYU Idaho and BYU Provo, so she's having a blast. And so as john and I and our one child,
Allison Dayton 1:10
I thought we were going to be alone. But Jake came up from BYU and then autumn who does our family stories her daughter up because listen to this, they had planned to watch conference because Anya is and feed the homeless in between the first and second session on Saturday afternoon.
Jenie Rae Hunter 1:27
Anything like that in college, the girls are amazing.
Allison Dayton 1:32
I'm not sure that I sat through both sessions of Congress and then cook for the homeless. Now I cooked five lasagna, and they were just so so delightful. So it was really fun. We thought we're gonna have this boring weekend, and we ended up having all these college kids and they all kind of knew each other through different veins of life. And oh, it was it was cool. It was really cool.
Jenie Rae Hunter 1:53
There's an amazing score every time I go to your house. I'm like, I never want to leave. It is true. It's lovely.
Allison Dayton 1:58
We love that we have plenty of room for plenty of people and you know, kitchens, and all that stuff. So yes, it was just it was a cool it was a gift from autumn that I wouldn't have had had we not have this amazing group of moms that are now getting to know
Jenie Rae Hunter 2:13
I love that. And it's so fun because like, like it being there. And like I think Sunday for me for conference was it was really uplifting. Like, there's some talk Sunday that I will study over and over and I mean I What would you say what's your favorite talk?
Allison Dayton 2:29
Camille sister, Camille Johnson. Yes, her talk was just really amazing. I don't know it just lit me up. I just, it was so good. There were there were like, parts of a lot of them that I would cobbled together as my favorite. But that one just I don't know.
Jenie Rae Hunter 2:45
That was beautiful. Yeah. And I think probably my favorite moment of conference was when the Prophet was talking about the temple and how the Lord wants us to know the covenants like, I felt like the Lord was talking to us it was a really powerful moment for me and I'm just so glad that the temples are open again that we get to go back and you know, have that because I just once again made me excited to study more about the covenants and the dominance and what we do there because I really have a testimony that temple attendance is one of the biggest things that changes you changes your heart, for sure.
Allison Dayton 3:18
It's interesting that you said that because I had a mom that was struggling with some of the stuff that was said about the temple and I would totally understand that and I, I would say this to any parent, and it's true for me. When I go to the temple when I do in a download session, like I feel like I am taught so much about my LGBTQ child like a child, amen, amen. And that's where I mean that's the information I take about the temple is in that when I'm there without feeling that inspiration like I like to hold on to that rather than like other things that maybe don't feel you know that are harder to to manage in my head but they're just so much hope
Yeah, because even though your child may be cannot go into the temple Yeah, you can still go the temple and get inspiration and like like there's still benefits for your child about you go into the temple and their life will be blessed for it.
Yeah, that's what I am I'm sure the understanding and it's it's so good and then I always talk about the initial stories which love those blessings. So yeah, yes you can it was gorgeous here it was.
Jenie Rae Hunter 4:32
It was 90 here.
Allison Dayton 4:34
You know, cleaning up and making food and cleaning it up and make it you but it was awesome. As I totally agree that
Jenie Rae Hunter 4:41
it was a pajama church is the best but we're not here to talk about the janitor today. We are here because we are doing our third declaration of difference.
Allison Dayton 4:50
We're so excited. This one's a good one. Should I read it?
Jenie Rae Hunter 4:54
Yes, but I want to say they're all good but this is a good one.
Allison Dayton 4:58
No and Let me just say, beforehand that the reason we're doing these is because as mothers, you get kind of thrown off your mom game, when you're when your child comes out, and you start questioning things that you would never have questioned before. And so this is a way of coming back to who you are as a mother and who this child is as your child, and who they are in the scope of this life and the Lord, you know, the Lord's plan for them. So, right, the truths, the truths, so Okay, this one is number three. As mothers, we know that our families can only be complete when all members are loved and valued equally. We believe that each individual is an important part of an eternal Family of God. We have faith that our heavenly parents know and understand our unique situation. And that by following their guidance given through the Holy Spirit, our earthly families will return to live with them again.
Jenie Rae Hunter 6:03
Let's break that down a little bit. It's such a powerful statement. And you know, one of the reasons we are doing a statement about eternal families is that we have seen a lot of families when their child comes out question, are they still eternal family. And this is a common pain point that feels very horrible, these thoughts and this, where you have to kind of sift through and decide what is true, once your child comes out?
Allison Dayton 6:30
Well, and I'm not sure where the idea comes from, because it's, it's not stated anywhere that this, like, there's no like, reference about gay people not being part of the, you know, this is like, something that was that came about. And Jenny and I talk about this a lot, and I wonder about it a lot. So when my brother came out in the early 70s, and then I knew about it in the early 80s. My parents never talked about this as something that that disrupted our family or broke or eternal family. That idea never came into the conversation. It was that I had a gay brother. My parents actually never bought into the choice thing. They they never know, ahead of their time. Right. Right. They knew they believed that he could be cured of it, unfortunately. But they didn't think that this was a choice that he made willingly, or that he you know, it was him just being sinful. It was so young when it when they found out. And so we sort of skipped all those conversations about like, no empty chairs. And
Jenie Rae Hunter 7:58
I think that is one of the worst statements that has been thrown around our community, no empty chair, right. Like we do the work for no empty chair. And I think that tells us how ignorant we are with how eternal families work.
Allison Dayton 8:12
Right? Like, like we are all of the eternal Family of God. Yeah. Yeah. So if we're all of the eternal Family of God, than our children are part of the eternal Family of God. And they're in our family, right? So there's no, there's no structure around that. It changed. Like Jenny was saying just the other day, and as we were preparing for this morning, like, it's so weird that I, I never, I never considered it adapted. I asked my mom, I was doing some writing, or something. And I said to her, okay, so why did why did you and dad like, never worry about that? And she said, it never even crossed my mind. Ah,
Jenie Rae Hunter 8:55
Isn't that beautiful? Like that she never had that thought to like, that pain point for her. Yeah.
Allison Dayton 9:01
Now, here's the weird thing. So a whole bunch of people around her were thinking, Oh, our family is broken. There's an empty chair, this child will never be redeemed of God. And they had to feel all that pain, but my mom just didn't have it. So she didn't. Like that's the power of thinking, right?
Jenie Rae Hunter 9:18
Totally, how your thoughts create your result. And, you know, there's so much we don't know, like, there's more we don't know about the attorneys than we do now. And I think like in this case, we really have to keep like the big picture in mind and like, and probably I think present Irene gave the best talk about this when he said in his quote, a prophet of God once offered me counsel that gave me peace. I was worried that the choices of others might make it possible impossible for our family to be together forever. He said, The Prophet said he didn't say which prophet which I wonder, but it's fun that to think about who might be and he said, You're worrying about the wrong problem. You just Live worthy of the celestial kingdom and the family arrangements will be more wonderful than you can imagine. And he goes, our loving Heavenly Father knows our hearts, his purpose is to give us happiness. And so he gave the gift of his son to make possible the joy of family bonds that continue forever. It is the offer that every child of God who comes into the war the world may claim,
Allison Dayton 10:23
right, okay. And here in the family Proclamation. All human beings, male and female are created in the image of God. So we are all created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents. And as such, each has a divine nature, a divine destiny, each, there is no exclusion here for any reason, we also learn the proclamation that we are responsible for nurturing these children, and that we are partners if we have a partner with a spouse. But one important part of the family proclamation that we forget is that disability death or other circumstances may not this may necessitate individual adaptation. So here we are, as parents of LGBTQ gay, trans, you know, what have you children, and let's adapt individual adaptation for the child. So it's all written right? There
Jenie Rae Hunter 11:23
it is. And going back to our statement, the first line of it is, as mothers, we know that our family can only be complete when all members are loved and valued equally, we believe that each individual is an important part of the eternal Family of God. And I like this part, I like the statement because it really is talking about, like, you know, that app, where it's called plant snap, and you take a picture of it, it tells you, you know, like, oh, that plant needs more water, or more fertilizer, more sun, like, when we stop looking at like, like the our family, as I think you said beautifully, like, you need to parent the individual, not the ideology. And not parent or the idea here were parents, an individual, an individual who is divine, who has a divine destiny who is, is loved as equally as the rest of your children, like all of those, whatever, you have thoughts around that child about how they are different in the world, if you're thinking that that is a problem, or if that is disappointing God, those are not thoughts that are serving you. That is where you need to clean up and be like, how my child, the version of my child that I see is the perfect version like that is how God created them. And that is how I need to learn how to love them, even though it's this child might be different from what I thought the child would be,
Allison Dayton 12:44
right? So you you know, in the plant analogy, and I only know like for plants,so I'm going to try here.
But like say you have a fiddle leaf, or you think you have a fiddle leaf because the other kids were fiddling right or your other plants were fiddle leaf. So your water I love fiddle leaf. Very, very pretty. But you're watering this plant every week. Because that's what we do or ferns, you know, you've got a Fern and a fiddle leaf and you're watering these plants every week. And you have this other plant that's emerging, and you're watering it and it's a mess. Well, it's a cactus, you're killing it. You only water that one once a month. Thank you Ben Shilaty for telling me that. And you do you know you have to parent this plant differently, otherwise it will not thrive. So right there's just it's just a, it just is. So here we are we have this child. And and we're adapting, right. We're learning to do this differently. So one of the things that we really talk about is like looking at this child throughour Heavenl Parents eyes.
Jenie Rae Hunter 13:56
Yes, great. You getting like, this is something that I would challenge you to pray constantly about to help me see the vision of how you see this child to your heavenly parents and each of your children. Each of your children, right? It's powerful. Like I told Allison, like I'm from 10, right? And we have nine girls and a boy and like my parents, miraculously, like they parenting they did amazing because they really did give us the value. Like I tell her like we would be watching Miss America putting pink curlers in her hair, and my mom and dad would like any of you girls could be up there like they really felt like we were like, Oh yeah, right. But they really, they really believe that that wasn't just like they saw is better than we thought ourselves. They really did. And they gave us that gift and I saw what it did for me and sometimes, I will be vulnerable here like when Nick first came out. That kind of destroyed my vision of what I thought he was going to be because I all this vision of this amazing like priesthood leader and all these things, and kind of, like, made me think I can they still be amazing and great. Like, it took me a while to sift through my pain to get that vision back and give even a greater vision of Nick foo, what was like to combine his LGBTQ in with Heavenly Father's vision of like, and have a less prescriptive vision of what I thought and what then what he taught me was like, Oh, I didn't even understand this boy. And the gifts he has and the mission he has on this earth, it's very different from what I have thought. But that didn't make it less of this divine destiny he had, well, I had to be schooled that
Allison Dayton 15:43
And think about how important that is, as a parent to do for all of your children. Because often we parent our children, based on what we think about them. Yeah, not really knowing enough about them, or about their true destiny, we're just, we're bringing a lot of our own baggage and baggage that we wish for them. And like, you know, we can run into problems quickly with any child that way, like trying to parent them in a way that you think you should parent them without really kind of contemplating who they are as an individual, instead of an extension of us.
Jenie Rae Hunter 16:19
And I totally agree, but the thing that other children who are not LGBTQ in our gospel, they get sometimes this vision at church, yes, who they were in there, and, and we know that our LGBTQ they fight against that vision, they don't see themselves, they keep hearing the message that they're broken. And so that's why it really does have to start in with you as the mom and as a father, too, because they need everybody needs this vision. And it's like, as we say, co parenting with, with our heavenly parents like, and that's something that you can meditate about. And I mean, it's something that will develop over the years, and you don't want to be like, this is what you're supposed to, you know, we don't want to go back to that like prescriptive, here's who you're supposed to be. But like, wow, I see you as this child. So Jenny, and I get this, because we are talking to each other from halfway around the well.
Allison Dayton 17:17
The Nation entry, our children walk into our lives, and our phone calls and stuff as we're zoom, and zoom so we can see each other and be together that way. So I get to see Jenny parent, crucial Oh, goodness!
Jenie Rae Hunter 17:32
I'm sorry,
Allison Dayton 17:33
No, it's awesome. And when we were talking about this one of these, you were on a call with one of your kids and and the you were talking about the other child, and you talked about them, you said something like, you know how amazing she is. And here's some of her limitations. And here's some of the frustrating things about her and and as you help her to, like, you know, as you know that it was kind of like if you win, you know, that you can help her handle that kind of situation. And I was like, Whoa, I don't know, that I've ever like admitted to one of my kids. Like, I'm always more like, Oh, don't say what the kids. You know, you don't want to say the kids issues with the other kid. But what you did was you you declared their divinity and you help the child understand what about them was frustrating them and how to overcome that frustrating and help help bridge that gap with the child. And I thought that was really cool.
Jenie Rae Hunter 18:36
I'm glad you took it that way because like I think that's probably my coaching because like one of the I think the biggest gifts from me becoming a coach is like, embrace my own hot mess of like, I gave up the idea of like this ideal Jenny and I like to start embracing the journey who I am. And I think that has gone on to my girls were like, where they're, you know, they're sisters, they're gonna have like, run ins. And when they're feeling frustrated with each other, I'm like, yeah, that girl's like that sisters hot mess. But like, also like she's amazing. And I help remind them of why they love them and not try to change. And so this I think does go along well with the statement of like, your individualism, like when we can embrace each other's individualism, and really see it not as a problem and not as a threat to God's plan. But it is God's plan. Yay, your individual child right now, if they are the most unique young woman and young woman's or unique, young man and young men's that is beautiful, and start viewing it that way versus like, I wish he dressed differently, or I wish he didn't paint his nails or had pierced ears. That's fine. Like it's just expression of who he is and his individual. And when we start viewing it that way, they will feel loved and valued equally with all the others.
Allison Dayton 19:51
Absolutely. And remember that this isn't the ending point. This is the messy middle, right. This is the teenage part where they're exploring where they're fit. hearing things out where they're trying different stuff on to see how it feels, and fits and, and works with their live, etc. So, so we just have this, we have this teen, teenage is out that time is always messy it is and like,
Jenie Rae Hunter 20:17
Once again, my coaching advice for you at this point is to slow your brain down really to slow down and be like, this is just this moment like this might be a face this might be like when they're expressing themselves how you're not a fan of, but to really stop, go into the future, like just live in the moment and be like, what like, and this when it comes to kind of to our second or second part of the statement where we have faith that our heavenly parents know and understand our unique situations. And that by following their guidance given through the Holy Spirit, our earthly family will return to live with them again, like your unique situation. I know, the teenagers with Nick, when he came out, they were volunteer in our family. And they, it was hard honestly, to love value him equally. Some days because it was draining me it was we it was requiring a lot of our emotional and our spiritual it was it was very hard on our family because he was in a lot of pain. And it it I was going to God a lot saying like, okay, now and so looking back, what advice I'd give to parents, if you're in the middle of that is you're kind of enduring some of it, it does get better. Like, though you are in the rough seas, and just hang on, just love yourself, give yourself grace, give that child grace, and it will get better. But like, if you could just calm down, not make such a big deal about things and really just see what you need, like in your unique situation. And that goes for like their entire life. And for those moments like, see what you can do to adapt to value how that child feel valued and loved equally in that moment. And it's going to change.
Allison Dayton 22:03
Yeah, and we talked about one of the ways so when your kids giving you the business, right giving you trouble. Yes, you you don't want that on you. So one of the ways to handle this, and we Jenny and I spend a lot of time talking about the blessings of LGBTQ children in our lives. And, you know, that isn't always the immediate experience that someone else is having. Right? That's we want to acknowledge that and Jenny is telling you that very kind of story. So what do you do in that moment? Well, the most important thing is that that child knows that they are part of this family that they are equally loved and valued.
Jenie Rae Hunter 22:44
Okay. And I just want to pause right there. I know for my son, he is constantly looking for evidence that we don't equally in love and value. Yeah, so your LGBTQ child will be on high alert of like, Are you loving me the same as the heterosexual children, I'm just gonna warn parents like this is something you will have to really focus on and keep emphasizing with this child.
Allison Dayton 23:03
Yeah, if there's that disconnect out in the world, it's going to show up at home, right? That they're not loved and supported. So so you want to love and support them. Now loving and supporting them to death is a good thing. But it also needs to be productive and not just candy coated, right? So one of the things we talked about how important it is to so say your kid comes home from church and they're like, I'm not I'm don't want to ever go to church again. I never want to go to church again, I don't feel supported there. I you know, and there's a lot of different reasons. And there's a lot of really valid reasons that they may not want to go to church, and they might just be being a teenager,
Right? Or you might want to support them in that like, it's like, when you have the Holy Ghost and get that unique guidance for your family. And you don't want to freak out. Yep. Because your love for them cannot be based on whether they show up for church or not. That's not like that's not a parental deal.
Jenie Rae Hunter 24:00
That's conditional love versus unconditional. Right?
Allison Dayton 24:02
So you say to them, okay, you feel like this is painful for you to go to church, I understand. And I don't want you to experience this pain. See, I'm showing you love, I'm showing this child love. And, but there are things at church that I think are really valuable. I think, you know, in young men's or young women's or, or Relief Society or elders quorum, we spend a ton of time doing service for others. How can you replicate that in your life without the church? What does that look like? And can you set up a framework for that for me? Explain to me how you will replicate that in your life. Okay? And then like, I don't believe in God, maybe I don't want to go to church. I don't believe in God anymore. Okay, so so if you don't believe in God, what is the higher power? Well, I don't believe in a higher power. Okay, so what is the thing that motivates you to do better, to be better? Like what is That in your life, and you're saying, like, it's fine that you're feeling these things. I can't do anything with them. I need you to think through them.
Jenie Rae Hunter 25:11
You're helping you're helping them create their own framework, which beautiful way of helping them use their agency and teaching them. This is the way to do it, for sure.
Allison Dayton 25:21
This is this is what we do as mothers, right? In fact, I love this quote from Sherry do and I think it's from Aren't we all mothers? Are we not all mothers? Isn't that? Yeah. as mothers in Israel, we are the Lord's secret weapon. See that? I love that. Our influence comes from a divine endowment, which is a gift right, that has been placed in place from the beginning, and the pre mortal mortal world. When our father described our role, think of our individual role. I wonder if we didn't stand in wide eyed wonder that he would bless us with the sacred trust, so central to his plan. And that he he would endow us with gifts, so vital to the loving and leading of his children. I wondered if we shout for joy. Like I love that idea of standing with the Lord and shouting for joy at this experience that at this very moment, we're feeling like we can't handle right?
Oh, isn't that? the antithesis. Right? And we're, like, shouted for joy that these spirits, we're going to come to you? Yeah.
And I have this really strong feeling that, that this is exactly the Lord's like, I have this special project for you. This special like experience? So we want to, we want to know, we can't say, well, you don't believe in God, that's terrible. Like you have to believe in God. like, Okay, first of all, they're teenagers. Second of all, they don't have to do anything. And third of all that separates them from not only us, but God. And the question is really like, is the question you don't believe in God the way I believe in God? You don't think there's anything out there? You don't believe that? We have to, you know, like, what are the questions? So I'm putting it back on my son, or my daughter, or, you know, whatever, we're this child that's coming to me in charge and saying, you know, I'm a leader, and they're saying these things in a class. So okay, what do you think, Tom, explain to me, I'm listening to you, and valuing what you say, I'm willing to understand that you're seeing things differently than I am. Because I get so much and I value what you have to say. Right? Right.
Jenie Rae Hunter 27:33
And like, letting yourself be okay, that they're, they're having a different interpretation of their faith that you have interpretation of your faith, like, it could be different and still valuable,
Allison Dayton 27:43
right. But what we're doing is we're giving them an opportunity to see a different reality, a name it something similar, or, you know, see this, this other thing, bringing goodness into their life, how are you going to serve? How are you going to take time out for others? How are you going to come your self and have a different experience once a week? How are you going to connect with deity with with a power? How are you going, that shows you that you aren't the most important thing in the universe?
Jenie Rae Hunter 28:18
How, yeah, how are you going to focus outward, because that's what our church, I mean, that does really well it helps us focus outward, helps us associate with people that we might not normally associate with, and helps us serve and helps us lead there. Like you said, there's lots of goodness, not that this goodness cannot be in another framework. And when you like you at that way, and talk to your child, that way, you give you're kind of honoring their agency, and also having confidence, like seeing the goodness in that child because one of the things that helped me get out of my pain about like Nick's choices was like, I stopped focusing on the things he wasn't doing and start focusing on the good he was doing. Yeah. And so that really is really a mind shift when you're like, there is so much goodness with this child, because some so many of my clients were like, well, he's, my child's not spiritual, or my child doesn't believe in God, or they don't, you know, but I'm like, your child is completely spiritual, like, like, really, I think one of the greatest tools as LGBTQ family parents is to completely have this vision of this amazing child who he was, or she was in the pre existence, and to keep envisioning that child because we know that they were spiritual giants,
Allison Dayton 29:32
Right? this exactly and helping them once you once they've been able to identify what's kind of motivating them, then you can kind of come back and say, Well, you know that I believe in God and and, and does it feel the same way with your belief system, or like, here's this experience that I've had Do you have a similar experience in yours in your system, and you've named it and I can relate to it as a mom and sort of connected them back together. So We're still having conversations even though our viewpoints are a little different.
Jenie Rae Hunter 30:05
Right? Because everybody needs peace. Everybody needs goodness service like, those are those things that you can help and like how Allison said, like, ask them questions like, Where are you finding peace, because we know that peace is so important part of our mental health, and finding that peace in that time with, like, whether it is meditation or something, you know, like, that's spiritual, that's your spirit, the soul, however you want to phrase it, but kind of parenting them where they're at, without the resistance of change, when and without the moment, you can't go in these conversations with agenda to convince them, but see, you do believe in God, see, there is a place for you at church, that would ruin it, like you really need to build on where they're at, right?
Allison Dayton 30:50
Because we want them to get to that idea that we're all as a family in this together. Yes, you don't ever want them to lose that concept. And that, that the greater, you know, deity, what we who we call God is about connecting all of us together as well. That is the gospel, right? We're all connecting back to one another. And, and my, my gut feeling is that your child will get to that it just might not look the same way that you were seeing it as an adult, and a person that hasn't had the same experiences they have. And this is something that I believe moms are unique, uniquely empowered to do. We are, we know that this child is divine, even when they are the biggest stinkers in the world, as and sometimes when just when they're asleep, a great story of a woman who since passed away, but she had a son who was such a troublemaker, he was so naughty, when he was young, and she would come home, I'm sure he was drunk, and like sliding past the door, you know, getting into bed. And every night she'd go down. And even when he was asleep, she would open the door and just say I love you. Even if she's still mad at him. She didn't have to say it to his face, or he she thought he was asleep. And he knew it. He knew it. And he heard it and he waited for it. And as he got older, he let you know, he kind of testified about this mother who had put up with a whole lot when he was giving her the business and doing all the things he was doing. And, and working through some really hard things in his own life. And she knew he was divine, and she loved him. And she let him know it in the only way she could and it was funny what she does.
Jenie Rae Hunter 32:38
Right. But I think that goes on to this quote that President Trump gave us which, like, he said it so beautifully. Because give yourself grace, mom's where you're at. And he says, he's gonna say it, but I'm just gonna read the quote, because May I invite you to rise to the great potential within you. Don't feel guilty or dwell on thoughts of failure, don't compare yourself with others, do the best you can, and the LORD Will Provide the rest, have faith and confidence in him and you will see miracles happen in your life, and the lives and the lives of your loved ones. My dear sisters, as you live your daily life with all of its blessings and challenges, let me assure you that the Lord loves us. He knows you. He listens to your prayers, he answers those prayers. Wherever on this world, you may be He wants you to succeed in this life. And then eternity. And clonally I know our greatest success is being the mother to the children that we are endowed with, right? The gifts that we're doubting with joy, like Sherry do gave us about vision and like so the Lord is in there with you. And like we say in the second part of this declaration, you know, they will send you guidance given by the Holy Spirit, and they will help you know that sometimes opening the door while your child's asleep and saying I love you is exactly what your child needs. And this is exactly what you could do, right? That it's going to be unique and different for your family.
Allison Dayton 33:54
All of this statement is to show the world who these children are, and to remind ourselves who these children are. And as we go back to the original scriptures that we have kind of built this all off of the struggling lawyers. So what would the What did the stripling wires say? They said, We did not doubt our mothers knew it. What did they know? They knew that the Lord would protect and watch over their children and their time, that if they turn their children's heart to God, and however, that looks for that child at that time, right? However, that looks to him or her, if they turn their children's heart to God, that He would protect them. If they would, if the children themselves would turn their hearts to God. He would protect them. He would see them through dangerous situations. He would get them through and they knew it and they had the confidence of it. And if we can do that for our children, give them the confidence that they are not only loved and protected by their earthly family, but their heavenly family. how can how can they not succeed? And how can we not be creating goodness in their lives?
Jenie Rae Hunter 35:19
That's right, they will thrive in this belief that you will instill in them. Do you want to, we found this quote that Oh, rock says you want to say that quote? Allison?
Allison Dayton 35:30
Heber J. Grant was his father was my great, great grandfather. So I love studying and he was like this, totally intense. His father was this totally intense kind of zealot. Right. And he ended up dying like nine days after President Grant was born. Wow. So his mother Rachel Ivan's grant. She married the her, her husband's brother, and he ended up being an alcoholic and was was not a great husband or father. So he she divorced him and raised President Grant by himself. And they had zero money. And, you know, you might think, Oh, this is a recipe for disaster, right? Especially back in the 18, whatever it was 50s. But no, this child because he was so scrappy. He, he, he actually jumped on the back of President Young's Brigham Young's kerogen and couldn't get off. So he finally at the end of the ride, met Brigham Young and Brigham Young, let him come to his house often and then hit because he was there, he got tutored by sister, Eliza r snow. What honor No wonder and if we you know, so he had this really strong Mother, you have these nice tutoring about Joseph Smith from Eliza r snow, he worked so hard, because he wanted to take care of his mother. And they were working together that he was, he was, had his own company. And he was made one of the 70s at like, age 15, he was a 70 in the church, and he had his own company, and ended up being the prophet and was like, really instrumental in a lot of different parts of the success of the, like, financial success of the church and, and starting a bunch of programs. So he had this quote, that I love, and you can feel like the intensity of his life in this statement and the love of his mother. And he said, without the devotion and absolute testimony of the living God in the hearts of our mothers, this church would die. I just love that, that those words from a man with the background that he had, so powerful, like,
Jenie Rae Hunter 37:47
I love that quote, because the visual like, I'm asking myself, what devotion and absolute testament Living God is in my heart, like where do I need to raise myself up so that my child will know this without a doubt?
Allison Dayton 37:59
And how can you instill a testimony of your child in others, because that's what part of the declaration is right? It's teaching others how amazing these children are, they're loved and valued equally, that each including these are divine children of a heavenly parents. So we hope that this becomes kind of part of your, your thinking, this idea of like, loving equally, and valuing equally, both inside your family and as part of the like, eternal family and expressing that to others. how you've learned this teach.
Jenie Rae Hunter 38:51
And, and I you when you pattern that and were other people see how you are loving that child and loving other members of the LGBT community, you will that will affect change and people move. Okay, so the you the goodness of your vision for these members, other people will follow I testify to that I've seen this over and over again, where like, they start questioning, like their beliefs that aren't aligned with that because you're so sure of the goodness of these people.
Allison Dayton 39:19
Right? And as you learn from the your heavenly parents like what they have in mind for your child like that, that is an answer in itself of the divinity of these children and, and possibly understanding that we didn't have before about the purpose for all of these amazing children coming into the earth at this time.
Jenie Rae Hunter 39:39
Right? And that's more to be taught. And I know like, when I got my, when heavenly father taught me about my son, that's where it changed the game where I no longer have fear about his spiritual journey, and he's not doing everything that I would want him to do right now to be truthful, but I really am not fearful about it because I know it's going to be okay. God In the story with him and me and God, God has got this.